Apply for Cal Grant
Applying for Cal Grants
Students apply for a Cal Grant when they submit their Financial Aid Application. Cal Grant applicants are also required to submit a GPA Verification form directly to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) by March 3. Students can access the Cal Grant GPA Verification Form from the CSAC website. You can monitor and manage your Cal Grant account on the CSAC website. If you qualify, the Cal Grant will cover UC tuition and fees.
You must re-qualfiy each year by submitting your Financial Aid Application, demonstrating financial need, and meeting family income and asset ceilings. The income and asset ceilings for renewal Cal Grants are the greater of the ceilings in the current year or those established for the first year you first qualified.
Continuing Cal Grant Recipients
The UCSC Financial Aid and Scholarship Office will automatically submit GPA verifications for all current UCSC students who appear to qualify based on their GPA and current year Financial Aid Application data. If you have questions regarding the GPA submission, please contact our office.
Cal Grant for Education Master's Degree Students
Education Master's Degree Students are eligible to request a one year extension of the Cal Grant they received as an undergraduate. To qualify, students must submit a Request for Teaching Program Benefits Form (Form G-44) to the California Student Aid Commission.